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My Projects

Here you can see some of the work I have developed. Feel free to browse and explore the projects to see how they were created, the technologies used and the features implemented.

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Project Pizza Shop Thumbnail
Pizza Shop

🍕 Pizza Shop is your ultimate solution for efficient restaurant management. Pizza Shop streamlines your operations, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for both staff and managers.

React.js, TypeScript, React Hook Form, Zod, React Query, Axios, Playwright, Testing Library, Mock Service Worker, Tailwind
Project DT Money Thumbnail
DT Money

💰 DT Money is your go-to web app for managing your finances, developed during Rocketseat's Ignite program. Whether you're budgeting, tracking expenses, or planning investments, DT Money simplifies financial management with modern technologies and intuitive design.

React.js, TypeScript, React Hook Form, Zod, Axios, Styled Components
Project Dogs Thumbnail

🐕 Dogs is a dedicated social network designed for dog lovers to celebrate and share their canine companions. Users can easily upload and delete photos of their dogs, engage with the community, and access insightful statistics about their posts.

React.js, JavaScript, CSS3, Git, GitHub
Project Desweather Thumbnail

⛅ Desweather is your go-to app for precise and timely climate information. Whether you're preparing for a vacation, commuting to work, or deciding what to wear, Desweather offers the latest weather forecasts tailored to your location and beyond.

Next.js, TypeScript, Leaflet, Cypress, Axios, SASS, Git, GitHub

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